Mass torts and class action lawsuits involve hundreds or thousands of people with the same or similar grievances, pulled together in one consolidated action or lawsuit. It is easy to confuse the two because both lawsuits involve multiple plaintiffs against one or a group of defendants, but they are not the same.
A tort is any harm, injury or damages an individual suffered from any action or inaction. Mass torts involve multiple individual tort claims or lawsuits suing the same entity, whereas a class action involves only one lawsuit against the same entity. The primary difference lies in the degree of control each injured party has on their case.
Class action lawsuits are more difficult because you would need to get a certification order. At the same time, each person involved relies heavily on one person or a small group to represent them.
Because the court treats the plaintiffs as individuals, you can control the outcome of your case. It will give you an active position to fight for what you lost. You have the right to refuse settlement and you may receive more than you would in a class action lawsuit.