Popular Heartburn Drugs Linked To Deadly Kidney Damage

Popular Heartburn Drugs Linked To Deadly Kidney Damage Popular Heartburn Drugs Linked To Deadly Kidney Damage Salter Ferguson, LLC Defective Medications Americans commonly report experiencing heartburn, and many individuals suffer so severely that their doctors recommend prescription drugs to alleviate the condition. Unfortunately, drugs that are commonly prescribed for heartburn have been repeatedly linked to […]
Volvo’s Latest Recall Shows The Risks Involved In Defective Parts
Volvo’s Latest Recall Shows The Risks Involved In Defective Parts Volvo’s Latest Recall Shows The Risks Involved In Defective Parts Salter Ferguson, LLC Defective Products Few products are as safety-critical for users as motor vehicles are. A malfunction in a vehicle could mean that individuals lose control or that the very systems that they depend […]
Unavoidably Unsafe Products Can Still Lead To Legal Claims
Unavoidably Unsafe Products Can Still Lead To Legal Claims Unavoidably Unsafe Products Can Still Lead To Legal Claims Salter Ferguson, LLC Defective Products Some products and medications come with specific risks that can’t be avoided without impacting the way the product functions. These products, which are known as unavoidably unsafe, are sometimes the cause of major […]
Taking Action After Complications From The Mirena Iud
Taking Action After Complications From The Mirena Iud Taking Action After Complications From The Mirena Iud Salter Ferguson, LLC Defective Products There are many options for women who wish to prevent pregnancy or control their periods. So much so, that the options can be overwhelming. Many have concerns about how the birth control could interfere […]
Supreme Court Refuses To Hear Talcum Powder Case Appeal
Supreme Court Refuses To Hear Talcum Powder Case Appeal Supreme Court Refuses To Hear Talcum Powder Case Appeal Salter Ferguson, LLC Defective Products For decades, people thought of talcum powder as a natural and totally safe product. Companies marketed talcum powder for use on babies, and many people not only applied it to their children […]
How Defective Car Parts Can Lead To Or Aggravate An Accident
How Defective Car Parts Can Lead To Or Aggravate An Accident How Defective Car Parts Can Lead To Or Aggravate An Accident Salter Ferguson, LLC Defective Products Car manufacturers and dealerships owe you a duty of care when you purchase a motor vehicle. It means that the vehicle’s components should work in the way they […]
3 Serious Issues That Can Occur When You Use A Mirena Iud
3 Serious Issues That Can Occur When You Use A Mirena Iud 3 Serious Issues That Can Occur When You Use A Mirena Iud Salter Ferguson, LLC Defective Products Birth control helps protect a woman’s health and her financial situation. By giving her control over when she might conceive, birth control allows her to plan […]
Mercedes Recall Comes With A “do Not Drive” Advisory
Mercedes Recall Comes With A “do Not Drive” Advisory Mercedes Recall Comes With A “do Not Drive” Advisory Salter Ferguson, LLC Defective Products Vehicle manufacturers issue recalls all the time. It’s not unusual to take your car in for a routine check-up and find that it has had several recalls for various issues in just […]
Handling Hernia Mesh Implant Failures
Handling Hernia Mesh Implant Failures Handling Hernia Mesh Implant Failures Salter Ferguson, LLC Defective Products Hernias occur when an organ or tissue squeezes through a hole or an exposed spot in the cavity where it is usually located, displacing the organ/tissue. While some hernias may not be problematic (apart from causing the occasional feeling of […]