Salter Ferguson, LLC



Side Effects Of Taxotere

Side Effects Of Taxotere Side Effects Of Taxotere Salter Ferguson, LLC Defective Medications Before choosing to use any prescription drugs, it is important to look at the possible side effects that may come along with them. A drug like Taxotere, often used alongside other chemotherapy drugs, has some very mild side effects, along with some very […]

The Dangers Of Xarelto

The Dangers Of Xarelto The Dangers Of Xarelto Salter Ferguson, LLC Defective Medications Prescription drugs are normally used for the betterment of one’s health, often aiding in a condition that cause problems to people. Regardless of the size of the issue, whether it be detrimental or just minor, the drugs likely will have side effects that […]

7 Prescription Drugs With Harmful Side Effects To Be Aware Of

7 Prescription Drugs With Harmful Side Effects To Be Aware Of 7 Prescription Drugs With Harmful Side Effects To Be Aware Of Salter Ferguson, LLC Defective Medications When a pharmaceutical manufacturer rushes a new drug product to market, spends millions of dollars to aggressively market it to doctors, and then persuades consumers by television and […]

Little-known Side Effects Of Birth Control

Little-known Side Effects Of Birth Control Little-known Side Effects Of Birth Control Salter Ferguson, LLC Defective Medications Many Americans consider or use birth control at some point. The two main forms of birth control include birth control pills and the Depo-Provera shot. Neither is a perfect solution and both have side effects. Widely accepted side […]

Normally Safe Medications That Can Be Harmful For Pregnant Women

Normally Safe Medications That Can Be Harmful For Pregnant Women </h1 > Normally Safe Medications That Can Be Harmful For Pregnant Women </h1 > Salter Ferguson, LLC Defective Medications A wide range of prescription and over the counter medications are designed to provide more benefit than harm to most patients. Many people takethese medications every […]