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Report: Alabama Is One Of The Most Dangerous States For Drivers
A new analysis lists Alabama as one of the six most dangerous states to drive in, due to its high rate of traffic fatalities.
People who commute in Birmingham and other parts of Alabama face a significant risk of experiencing accidents, as many locals know firsthand. In 2012, which is the last year for which Alabama Department of Transportation data is available, over 128,000 crashes occurred in the state. Tragically, over 40,000 people were injured in these accidents, and an additional 870 people lost their lives in fatal car crashes.
Unfortunately, more recent data suggests that people in Alabama face one of the highest accident risks in the nation. According to a new analysis, Alabama is the sixth most dangerous state in the U.S. to drive in.
To learn more about seeking recourse, injury victims may benefit from consulting with an injury attorney today.
High Crash And Fatality Rates
USA Today reports that this analysis utilized data from both the Federal Highway Administration and the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety. The report reveals that Alabama experiences a high rate of roadway fatalities relative to its population. While the national traffic fatality rate is 10.3 deaths per 100,000 people, the rate in Alabama is significantly higher, at 17.6 deaths per 100,000 people.
Last year, 852 fatalities occurred throughout the state, and this year, serious accidents are taking place at alarmingly high rates. According to ABC News, state law enforcement authorities report the following troubling statistics:
- More than 29,000 crashes have occurred this year throughout Alabama.
- This figure represents an average of at least 88 crashes per day.
- Tragically, about one out of 60 of these crashes have caused fatal injuries.
- To date, more than 500 fatalities have been recorded.
Alabama’s recent ranking may also partly reflect its high rate of accidents that involve teen drivers. The state follows several traffic laws designed to protect these drivers, including graduated licensing laws and novice cellphone bans. Sadly, though, data from the FHWA shows that Alabama has the fifth highest rate of teen driver deaths of all states.
Role Of Reckless Driver Behaviors
Sadly, according to local authorities, negligent driver habits may be a significant factor in the state’s high rate of traffic fatalities. Speeding has been one of the most common factors identified in the fatal accidents that have occurred in the state this year. Overall, the majority of these catastrophic auto accidents have involved either speeding or distracted driving.
When other people suffer harm as a result of these reckless behaviors, they may have legal recourse. Drivers who fail to show appropriate care toward other road users may be considered liable if their actions directly result in injuries or death.