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Throughout Central Alabama

Birmingham Dangerous City Bicyclists Pedestrians
There are many cyclists and pedestrians in the Birmingham metro area. These individuals are well aware of some of the risks that are present when they are on the city’s streets. The region has continually ranked poorly in both bicycle and pedestrian safety, and two new recent reports demonstrate that much work still needs to be done to cut down the number of accidents happening within the area.
Birmingham was recently rated as the sixth-worst city for pedestrians in a report by National Complete Streets Coalition, a division of Smart Growth America. The group analyzed pedestrian accident fatalities based on the number of individuals walking in the region. The city had 148 fatalities in pedestrian accidents in the period covered by the study, which means that its danger index rating was twice as high as the national average.
Many of the accidents can be attributed to the designs of some of the city streets. Major roadways throughout the city were not initially designed to handle the large amount of traffic that they see each day. There are no pedestrian islands or other devices that help pedestrians cross these busy streets, and improvements will be necessary to improve safety.
The news is no better for bicyclists within the state. Alabama ranked as the least biking friendly state by The League of American Bicyclists, an organization committing to improving conditions for cyclists across the country. The poor showing was tied to the state’s lack of infrastructure to support cycling, which places many bicyclists at risk as they are forced to ride close to traffic.
Both cyclists and pedestrians can take some measures to help prevent a dangerous accident. Bicyclists should always wear a helmet, which can reduce some of the serious injuries that may result when a collision occurs. Pedestrians should only cross in designated areas, and be sure that they are spotted by nearby vehicles before stepping into the roadway.
If you or a loved one has been injured in a bicycle or pedestrian accident, you should contact an experienced bicycle injury attorney as soon as possible after you receive medical treatment. You may see medical bills as a result of your injuries, and you need to be compensated for these expenses and other damages that you incurred as a result of the accident.
Your injury lawyer can discuss the options that you have, and give you a detailed analysis of any settlement offers that you receive. Once you understand your choices, you can make the best decision for your future. It is extremely important that you do not settle your claims too soon, or it could have a major impact upon your recovery.