Salter Ferguson, LLC



What Risks Will You Face During Your Daily Commute?

What Risks Will You Face During Your Daily Commute?

Commuting to and from work or school has become second nature. You do it every day, so you assume that you’ll never run into trouble. However, every time you get behind the wheel of your vehicle you’re at risk of being part of an accident.

You’ll face a variety of risks during your daily commute, including but not limited to:

  • Heavy traffic: When traffic comes to a halt, there are certain risks that move to the forefront. For example, you may find that the person behind you is riding your bumper. Or maybe you find yourself looking for ways to pass the time, so you take your attention away from the road.
  • Construction: This may not be a daily occurrence, but it’s something to consider. If you find yourself driving into and through a construction zone, it’s critical to adjust your style to enhance your safety.
  • Inclement weather: From heavy rain to strong winds to fog, you never know what you’ll run into with regard to the weather. If conditions are anything but perfect, consider how you can alter your driving style with your safety in mind.
  • Drowsy driving: For example, if you’re driving in the morning hours, you must make sure you’re 100% alert. Just the same, keep an eye out for others who may not be on top of their game. Some people struggle to maintain their energy shortly after waking up.
  • Distracted driving: Most people who are commuting have something on their mind other than the road. They’re thinking about the test they have to take at school, the meeting they have at work or where they’re going to eat lunch. Keep a clear mind, while also keeping a lookout for drivers who aren’t paying attention.

These are just a few of the most common risks you’ll face during your daily commute. Don’t become so comfortable with the ride that you begin to think nothing bad could ever happen.

If you’re injured in an accident, such as the result of someone hitting your vehicle from behind, move to safety and call 911. You can then take the steps necessary to treat your injuries and hold the at-fault driver responsible for their actions.